Thursday, October 14, 2010

Engaged and Book Club Slacker...

Well hello again! I am the worst blogger everrrrrrrrrrrrr! But have a few things to report! First off, Jeff and I are engaged!!!!!!!! woo hoooo. Which I'm sure anyone who is reading this already knew that for weeks now... I'm going to post the engagement story soon, so people can read it in all it's glorious details...and not Jeff's version of "Oh, well, it was sunset dinner, top of South Mtn, and I asked her and she said yes..."  I told him you must describe the emotion and the sky, and the words that were said!!! He says guys don't do that...whatever!

So my motivation to blog today is the book I'm reading. Today's blog is titled "Book club Slacker" because tonight I'm suppose to be done with my book when I meet with the girls, but still have over 100 pages to go! My slackerness certainly doesn't have to do with my lack of interest in the book, I am just a slow reader and have had verrrrry little time... We are reading Redeeming Love.This is probably the most amazing book I've ever read!!!! I've already cried 4 times, and I've still got a ways to go. It touches what is at the heart of most women, to just be wanted and loved despite anything! I read it today while at Starbucks during my lunch, with 3 conversations around me and music blaring in my ear. Any other book, there's no way I would have been able to concentrate, but THIS book, I'm captivated by every page, every word! 

The book is intense, and my problem (or one of many) is that I get very absorbed into books I read and movies that I watch. When the chapter ends sweetly, I'm joyful and lovely dovey. But today's lunch hour and chapter ended on a very upsetting note, and I was so upset. I called Jeff, just because I wanted to hear his voice to feel better. I left him a message just saying hello, and hoped he was having a great day, and he called back hrs later saying "you sounded very sad on your voicemail, is everything okay?" "It's just the book again!" Poor guy, but he's been warned how emotional I can get...

Bottom line, I haven't finished it, but already recommend it!!! I can't quite say its a favorite since I've not finished it. Endings definitely make or break a book/movie. So when I do finish, I'll give my final stamp of Best Book Ever.

And as my arms jiggle while I write this, I'm reminded of my purpose for creating this blog, to workout. Report on that: inconsistent and rare. But hopefully this hellish Arizona heat will soon go away, and I can start running outside!

PS Word of the Day:


 Used a lot in Redeeming Love, and I didn't know it until this book...